Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Preview of the Doomflayer and Warpforged weapons

Hopped onto the PTS and the new Weapons were for sale on the scenario vendor. Didn't have time to take a screen grab of the new sets but I'm sure the server will be back up. In the meantime, feast your Greenskin eyes on these choppas and blockas...

You can click on them for a better view as well.

(edit - Disclaimer: These are PTS weapons currently, they can and could change by the time they goto live so keep that in mind)


  1. Did the same for sorcs on my blog. My goodness these sets and weapons are powerful. RR100 weapons are twice the RR80 ones...

  2. Ah nice one Had. The sets do look very good as do the armour. Wonder if there will be more bits and pieces to be found. Sure as the PTS event progresses we'll hear more

  3. Anyway of seeing a screenshot of what the armor looks like while wearing it? (haven't been on the pts at all so idk if they have rr90 and rr100 templates out yet)

  4. Not right now, templates only upto rr70 but will post appearance as soon as I can

  5. Awesome, thanks. Can't wait to see what the WF set and weaps look like for us BOrcs!
